Saturday, February 16, 2013

Our Princess is 22 months today!

Progress and some stats of our Princess:
- weight 24 lbs, height 32'
- wears clothes size 12-18months, but starting outgrowing them and 18-24 months
- shoes size 5.5
- diaper size 4, overnight diaper size 5
- has a head of the cutest curls ever
- drinks milk and eats oatmeal for breakfast during the week
- loves mama's pancakes on Saturday mornings
- likes bread, cheese, cheese quesadillas, guacamole, cereal, oatmeal, veggie/fruit pouches
- can say many words in English, even though I speak to her Polish during the day. Can say English words such as: puppy, cat, cookie, Elmo, shoes, milk, open the door, duckie, book, baby, Barney, ball, Ariel, aurora, cheese, key, girl, more, okay, blue, hello, bye bye and some other words that she abbreviates
- Polish words: serce, oko, mleko, pi for pilot, kotek, kocyk, kredka, miś, pępek, chleb
- even though she can say fewer words in polish, she can understand pretty much everything what I say. She also uses one language for each word for now
- loves to read books, favorite are: Olivia, Madeline, Hungry Caterpillar, Busy Spider, Pat the Bunny, Mousie, Chory Kotek, Kaczka Dziwaczka
- can imitate (knows what they say) pretty much every animal
- every morning after waking up, we are looking through the window to look for duckie ( yes, our neighbors have a duck:))
- she loves hugging our cat Hugo... the love is NOT mutual, hehe
- can go up and down the stairs pretty much unassisted holding the rails
- is very close to knowing how to jump
- as today, can kick the ball
- started using the potty... As of today: two nr 2 and two nr 1
- loves flash cards and finger painting
- loves her Romp n' Roll class and Miss Anna
- bath times are always a hit, every time we ask if she wants to take a bath she says 'okay' :)
- loves every day Skype sessions with Babcia and Dziadek and is upset when we have to say bye bye
- knows what's time out corner and she stays there until the time out is over ( we are not allow to even mention time outs to Babcia, otherwise Babcia will put us in time out for that hehe)
- loves to watch Barney and Elmo (noodle and doodle is sooo yesterday;)
- started playing soccer
- can stack blocks, does simple wooden puzzles, getting better in Lego's
- loves being outside, in the park and playgrounds
- not very thrilled when it comes to snow
- has a hard time with brushing teeth, huh
- loves to read goodnight stories with mama or dada
- in case of little accidents or upsetting moments, mama is always needed
- is very attached to mama
- started soccer practice last Sunday

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