Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wszystkiego cudownego dla kochanego Dziadziusia!

Z okazji Dnia Dziadka, Naszenka zyczy duzo zdrowka i szczescia! Slemy mnosttwo buziaczkow! Najgoretsze zyczonka dla Dziadka Izydorka kochanego!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wszystkiego co najpiekniejsze dla Babci Janinki!!!

Z okazji Dnia Babci, zyczymy ukochanej i najukochanszej Babci Janince duzo zdrowka, szczescia i milosci od wnuczki Juleczki! Naszenka teskni i przesyla miliony buziaczkow!!! Kochamy Cie! I mnostwo milosci dla moich ukochanych babc!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Noodle and Doodle show on Sprout!

As today, Julia has a new favorite show (Elmo has dropped to the second place) on Sprout called 'Noodle and Doodle.' I'm glad she likes it, because it is short (12min) and teaches how to cook, do crafts, wash hands and clean up :). Every time she sees a remote control, she screams 'noo, noo for noodle' :). She absolutely loves the theme song! Babcia made me record it of course :).

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hickory Dickory Dock!!!

"OH NO"!!! :). She loves that song, but gets scarred when at the end the elephant breaks the clock ;).


Sesame Street theme song!

Our Princess gets a little bit emotional when it comes to the Sesame Street theme/opening song. Whenever she sees Elmo, she is close to burst into tears! Oh, how much we love her!:)

Gymnastics with Daddy!

We have a little gymnast in the fam! Having fun with Daddy on the couch = stress for Mommy ;)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sweater dress :)

Last Sunday, we went to Baker's Crust for brunch. You probably remember, we love that place for its smoked salmon eggs benedict :).  Julia was wearing the cutest, warmest and the most adorable sweater dress Babcia is absolutely obsessed with. Yes, Daddy was overwhelmed as well :). She was modelling it like a pro at the J Crew window :).

Mysterious rash!

The day after New Year's Eve, we woke up to this weird looking rash/hives. Julia also got some mild rash on her chest and belly. I took her to our pediatrician and after over 2 hour wait (yeah, it's crazy!!!), I found out that it was probably, most likely, hives due to the cold virus. Julia had a low fever couple days before, so these two were probably related. Those hives scared us a little bit. They were appearing and after couple hours disappearing, just to appear in the different spots (only on her legs)! They were gone the next day, huh!

My poor leg :(

Kitchen buffet!

The kitchen buffet that granparents Paget gave Mommy as a birthday/Christmas gift is built and ready to be used in our kitchen. It took about 3-4 hours to put it together. We had this empty space that needed to be filled out in our kitchen and this buffet fits perfectly. It looks great as well! Thank you again!

Daddy's little helper!

Days with Mommy!

Just a few pics from our daily life. Life, when there is only the two of us aka no play dates scheduled:). We do some cleaning in the morning and have some breakfast. Next, we play in the toy room, read polish books, sort shapes, do puzzles and pretty recently, do stickers, yes, Elmo stickers! Around 11.30 am, we go to the outdoor mall or the neighborhood park. We eat lunch, skype with Babcia and Dziadek and go for a 3 hour nap. Yes, that child can sleep. After nap, we usually hang out around the house, play more and wait for Daddy!

Tacky lights!

As most of you know, Richmond is known for its passion for tacky Christmas lights. Yes, they are as tacky as they are impressive. We did a tour with my mom and then with the rest of the family last year. This year, due to the freezing temperature, we decided to check out just three houses.


Family pics!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2012!

Nana Francie and Grandpa Nick paid a visit on Monday in the early afternoon. Yup, more people to play with :). We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner and wished Nana happy birthday. On Tuesday morning, after breakfast, we opened presents, yes, more presents!!! Julia loved her new tricycle and a Rody donkey Nana and Nick gave her. Rody is being used everyday, but we decided to hide a trike for a few months. Yeah, we had a toddler tantrum about it! She just loves that thing. Grandpa Nick also built that amazing doll bed for Julia's bed. We liked it so much that even requested one for our king sized mattress :). Also, our neighbors' daughter Anna brought Julia a gift. The girls played a little bit :).
We would like to thank everyone for wonderful gifts Julia received this year. We feel so blessed, even though our house starts looking like Toys 'r' us store :).

It's my party I can cry if I want to :)