Sunday, April 29, 2012

Aaliyah's birthday party!

Today we attended Aaliyah's birthday party at her family's mini farm. Aaliyah is Julia's Romp n' Roll friend. The party was awesome, fulfilled with tons of activities and activity stations. There were activity tables, water table, slide, bouncing moon, horses, donkey Eleanor, pinata, tractor/hay ride and many many more. Julia had a blast as we did. She played a lot with Sofia ( the one in purple) her Romp n' Roll friend :). The party started around 2pm and we left little after 5pm. By 7pm, our party Princess crashed hard after big dinner and a warm bath.

Ready for the parteeeeey!

Playing with Sofia, Adriene, Aaliyah. Leila and others:)

Tractor ride with mama!:)

Donkey, slide and piniata!

Bouncing toddlers :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Toother count #7 & #8!

We keep losing gums!!!;) We have 4 on top and 4 on bottom! It definitely helped with banana pancakes this morning and with yummy salmon for dinner :).

Great reader!

Such a great and super fast reader we have! Julia is certainly fluent in Polish and English! Every time she enters her toy room, crawls immediately to her bookshelf, takes down her favorite books (pretty much all of them) and reads them one by one :).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Morning beauty!

How can a person look so beautiful right after waking up? No make up, hair undone, but still gorgeous:). This is what I saw after my morning workout!:)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Something Cheeeezzzzy!:)

US Citizenship test - Norfolk bound!

Early morning, I drove to Norfolk to take my citizenship test. Got there about 8.40 am to make a 9 am appointment. I was done by 9.15 am. The actual test didn't take longer than 3 minutes and I believe that any third grader would answer all the questions ;). The most 'challenging' was the written part where I had to write down the sentence: Canada is north of the United States. ;););) I believe Julia will be able to write it down in about 2 years :). Oh, and the reading part: I had to read the sentence: The capital of the United States is Washington D.C. That was it. In about 2 weeks I will get my certificate that will make it official :).
After the interview, I stopped by the shore to enjoy the view of the ocean. Around 10am, I headed back to Richmond to see our Itty Bitty!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Healthier fam!

Couple weeks ago, we decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle and in addition to solid workouts, change or alter our diet. The first step was to buy a juicer, so we can drink fresh squeezed fruit and veggie juices. We hit Bed, Bath & Beyond today and bought Breville juicer. Later that day, we bought apples and carrots, because Daddy was eager to get it started. The juice tastes amazing and no additional sugar. I am excited to make carrot/celery juice next!

12 month well check!

This morning, at 8.30am, Julia had her 12 month well check appointment with Dr. Rowe. Yeah, they admit well kids on Sundays too! How cool is that?!!! Julia was very mobile and excited while waiting for the doctor. Not so much when he entered the room. We had some major tears and generally unhappy baby Bear. Daddy had to hug it out :). After that dramatic experience, we had a little talk with the doctor and he had no concerns whatsoever. We have a happy, healthy baby.
Next, it was time for shots huh. She got her chicken pox vaccine and hep A vaccine, one in her leg and other in her arm. Yeah, we certainly had more tears! She was fine after some TLC from Dada! After the appointment, she had a big breakfast and crashed 2 min after we put her down for a nap. The body got super tired after that eventful morning!:)
She is wearing a rain coat she got from Gramme for Christmas. It came in handy in this rainy day!
Julia's stats: weight - 19.8 lbs (30%)
Height - 31.5 in (75%).
We have a tall and skinny baby!

The fam was craving some sushi tonight!:)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Toother count #6!

Geeezz, they are growing like crazy now and she is so cool with it! Besides having her hand in her mouth most the time, no other side affects noted :). We have 2 on the bottom and 4 on top!

Due date!

April 21st is and will be always a special date for us, because it was Julia's due date!!!

Richmond ZOO bound!

We originally have planned a play date with Timothy, Julia's friend, for today, but unfortunately, we had to cancel it. Timmy had a pretty bad stomach virus last weekend and his parents caught it too, so we decided not to risk it and postpone it. We just don't want to get Jules sick again. We will see Timmy in about 2 weeks :).
Instead, we headed to the ZOO to see monkeys and giraffes. Last time we went to the ZOO, Julia was only 5 months old. Now, she was more receptive to all animals, especially monkeys :). We all had a good time!

                                          It seems like chickens are more interesting than camels ;)

Daddy's lawn mower died last weekend and after challenging morning of trying to repair it, Daddy decided it is a time for a new one. He likes it! Can you tell? ;)

Friday, April 20, 2012

All done! Yay! Bravo!

Ok, so we have a new trick (started on Wednesday).... every time Julia is done with something like a meal or when the teacher at Romp n' Roll ends the song, she claps her hands [ yay! done!]. Yesterday, at Romp n' Roll she was also clapping when everyone wished her Happy Birthday! It was so cute! She was just smiling and clapping!
This morning, Daddy was eager to officially see the trick and she did clap when she was done with her bottle! Daddy was so proud of course!:)
And here is something funny! She generally likes my homemade lunches, usually chicken with veggies and grains, but yeah, sometimes she would rather have a cookie or yogurt instead. So, today I made a chicken with asparagus, cauliflower and brown rice and after a first bite I see yay and clapping. Yeah, the little sneaker tried to tell me she was done. Yeah, after the first bite hehe. She eventually ate the whole thing and clapped when I showed her an empty bowl. Geez, that child is something else! Gotta love her!!! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toother count #4 & #5!

Yep, we have 2 on the bottom and 3 on top ( they never seem to come in pairs hehe)! We are slowly losing gums and we love gums!!!

Another Romp n' Roll day!

We had a great time at the baby class today and.... they are switching it to a toddler class next week, so there will be some changes ( the same teacher though- Julia loves miss Anna :). Yeah, we have a toddler now!!!
Julia also got another birthday party invite (is our child popular or what?;)) It is from Sofia, her Romp n' Roll friend :).

Catching up on some reading after Romp n' Roll class! Yes, it is a skill to know how to read upside down and in Polish on top of that ;)

Shopping on Monday (her birthday) for a gift for her friend's Aaliyah birthday! She loved that toy so much that Mama had to buy for Jules one as well! Spoilage alert!!! ;)

Yesterday, we had a little accident. Julia tried to walk while holding a toy in her mouth and she fell straight on her face. Started crying immediately and I saw some blood running from her mouth. Fortunately, the toy just cut her gums a little bit and after 5 min everything was fine. Here is the pic with a bloody shirt. I was so sorry for our Itty Bitty:(. Such a trooper!

Poor, injured Pumpkin! Cookie took care of the pain :).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Give me that Dydus (paci)!!!

- I am just going to stand here all by myself!
- Oh, hi Mommy, look, such a cute doll!
- But wait..... what is she having in her mouth? Watch me, I'm gonna pull it out!
- Why is she fighting me? Grrrrrr, give me that dydus you little....!;)

Nana's purse!

Julia was having fun with Nana and her quite oversized purse. That didn't stop our Pumpkin from wanting to carry it around like a big girl!:)

Birthday Bash Weekend - Dudley's Style!

Last weekend, Julia had her birthday party at Nana and Nick's house in Advance, North Carolina. Guests arrived around 12 pm on Saturday and everyone had such a good time. Thanks to Nana, food was amazing as usual and the cake was so pretty! Julia had a chance to 'catch up' with her 7 month old cousin Annabella. She was obviously super exited just to browse around the big house (Justin laughed that we just let her out in the wilderness haha).
Thank you Nana and Nick for such a wonderful party!!!

Birthday party morning Princess!

After party with mama :)

Happy 1st Birthday our little Sunshine!!!