Tuesday, January 31, 2012

68 degrees in January! Insane!

Jules continues to feel better, slept fine at night and had two decent naps during the day. Finally our baby Bear looks and feels like her happy and joyful self!

Daddy left for work little later today due to his trip to the body shop to get his car fixed. Mommy tried to surprise him with yummy biscuits, but ended up burning them all, oooopsie ;). Good thing that Daddy didn't marry Mommy for her cooking skills and was just fine with having granola bar :).

Jules was a little show off this morning and wasn't shy to demonstrate us how easily she mastered her new 'pulling up' skill. Mama is in trouble, ha! She also does the cutest army crawl ever. She is so fast! I wanted her to talk to the camera, but she wasn't interested at this time, so the audience has to be patient and wait ;). Everytime I try to get her to say 'mama,' she responds 'dada:'. Go figure! My little stinker!:). So far she says 'baba' for Babcia and 'dada' for Daddy! We need to master 'mama' now:).

We went for a little stroll around the neighborhood as well. It was so wonderful out and I just cannot believe that it is only 20F in Poland. We knew Babcia should have stayed longer! She always repeats that the only two things she has been missing since she left are Julia and the gorgeous Richmond weather :).
We used our Ergobaby carrier while grocery shopping today for the first time (lifesaver :)).

Here are some shots from our afternoon walk!

Daddy is finally home and ready to play!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Feeling better! Finally!

Jules fell asleep around 8pm last night and woke up around 5am. Actually I heard her coughing a little bit, so I decided to wake her up to give her some formula. Because she breaths through her mouth now, she gets dehydrated very quickly. She went back to sleep and woke up around .... 9.30am. Wow, that little body had to be so tired! She sounded so much better, played with Mommy, read about 5 polish books ( Jules loves books; she becomes so calm and interested when we read to her), had an oatmeal with peach and mango for breakfast and at 10.30am she went down for a nap just to wake up at .... 1.00pm! That body had to be SUPER tired! She had some homemade chicken soup and later had a daily Skype session with Babcia and Dziadek and Face Time with Daddy. She always has that sweet grin on her face when she sees Justin's face on my iPhone:). She loves her Daddy! She also started pulling herself up on her play table, but most the time on Mommy :). Her arms are getting very strong!

We went out for a little bit to do some errands. Jules had prunes mixed with pears and watered down with an apple juice to get her system going. We have some difficulties at times to times. 15 min later we had a success:).
It was time for another 2 hour nap! Jules is a real life bear :). Overall a good day, she feels better, sounds better, her nose is clearing up and has a productive cough.

I won't blog everyday, but I thought you wanted to know how is Jules feeling and how is this cold/virus progressing.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunny Sunday after a rough night!

Last night was a difficult one. Jules woke up about five times and we had to help her with a runny nose and gave her some TLC. She slept until 8.30am this morning. She was in good spirits, ate breakfast and watched Australian Open final match (quite a long one) with Daddy. She really enjoys being in her new Ergo carrier Santa/Grandma Francie gave Mommy.

Later in the afternoon, Mommy stepped out the house for a little bit to get Jules her very first pre-walking shoes. Got them at Saxon shoes. Jules loves them as much as Daddy, who calls them 'Performance shoes' :). They are anti slip, so she can learn how to balance better.

She also took two over 2 hours naps during the day and was definitely ready to play this evening :). Daddy was watching Carolina-Ga Tech game.

Daddy was sneaky and recorded Mommy fooling around :). Please don't judge!!!

After dinner, it was a BATH TIME again! Daddy was reading 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?'and we noticed the 'pulling the ear' sign :(. We gave her some meds and baby Tylenol to ease the pain. Let's hope for a better night tonight.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sicky days in Paget's household!

Welcome to our Baby Blog!

Unfortunately, the first post is not a very happy one:(. Jules got sick for the first time right after Babcia left and right after her 9 month birthday. Justin took her outside for a walk and our neighbors with 11 month old baby invited him over. Justin didn't realize at first that the baby had a runny nose and was coughing. It didn't take long (about 3 days later on Tuesday)for Jules to start showing the symptoms. She had a runny nose at first. We tried to help her with Saline drops and cool moist humidifier. I thought it was getting better. On Thursday we had our 9 month well check with Dr. Rowe, our pediatrician, and he gave us some medication to help her with the cold. Her stats this day were: 17.10lbs ( 30%)and 28 1/2 in (70%). Overall very happy and healthy baby girl :).

Runny nose progressed as days went by and she started coughing as well:(. It was so heartbreaking to watch our sweetness being so miserable. She was doing pretty well during the day, but towards the evenings things were getting worse. She was waking up at least twice during the night.

Yesterday we had a pretty good day, Jules pulled herself up for the first time! She did it on the Sherpa chair Santa/ grandpa Joe gave her for Christmas. I was so proud, but it also means I need to have my eyes around my head 24/7 now :). We also took a relaxing walk (60F temp)while skyping with Babcia:). Julia really was in a good spirit. Once we returned to the house she started being fussy and irritated. I thought it was just time for an afternoon nap. I also slightly noticed that she was grabbing her ears, which it didn't concern me too much because she does it when she is tired. However, she couldn't fall asleep for about an hour and started crying which is unusual. At this moment I decided it is time to see a doctor. We saw Dr. Christian, who confirmed my worries: double ear infection and a mild chest rash caused by a cold virus. She put Jules on 10-day course antibiotics. Poor Pumpkin. Now we just hope that everything will get better soon and we return to having a happy healthy baby.

Today she still has a runny nose, but played with Daddy a lot and they both went for a walk. She eats fine, but refuses to drink which concerns us a little. We need to stay hydrated! She also has a hard time with naps. We completely lowered her mattress and also elevated it on one side with a pillow to make her be more comfortable. We just love our baby bear and want her to get well again!!!

Around 4pm, after a doze of her meds in addition to a baby Tylenol, she fell asleep and woke up around 6.30pm. Yeah, this is what we call a power nap. She woke up in a better mood and got some yummy yogurt.

Sick baby Bear eating oatmeal with blueberry yogurt :). It's a jammie day!

Even though we give her baths every two days, we make exceptions when she is sick. Jules LOVES baths and they help her with the congestion. After bath she had some formula and Daddy read/sang to her some stories. She fell asleep around 9.30pm due to a late nap earlier. We hope for a better day tomorrow.

Past and current house events inspired me to create that blog, so when our bear will be a big girl we can snuggle and read through our memories :).
Other important events in the past week:

- Jules had her first finger food Cheerios. It didn't go too well. She was gagging on it and threw it up along with prunes she had before that. We might wait until she gets better with her cold to start with Cheerios again :).

- I started giving her cooked pieces of veggies - She had a cauliflower and broccoli for the first time. It is so funny that naturally infants put everything into their mouths but when you put cooked pieces of veggies in front of them, the 'putting in the mouth' doesn't work anymore ;).
- She started using her stroller/walker. We had a little accident with it when she lost her balance and fell backwards and hit her head, but luckily on the padded carpeted floor in her play room. I was freaking out though and now I make sure I am always behind her and never in front when she uses it!

I hope you will enjoy my posts and will have fun with 'keeping up with Pagets!':)